Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Attorney Birmingham & Throughout Alabama

Assisted Living Abuse Attorney in Alabama

Shuttlesworth Law Firm serves clients in Birmingham and statewide

Elder abuse isn’t something that only happens in a nursing home setting. Unfortunately, it’s become a serious problem at assisted living facilities located all over Alabama. Many senior citizens and elderly residents live in facilities that are understaffed or have untrained employees, which can be a recipe for disaster. If work becomes too stressful for staff members, they may get frustrated and take their anger out on a resident in the form of physical or verbal abuse. In other cases, staff members may commit assisted living neglect, for instance by not making sure a resident gets medical care.

For the victim, this can lead to devastating injuries on a physical and emotional level. Often, victims of assisted living abuse are too afraid to report it out of fear of retaliation. Depending on their health, they may be confused about what’s happening to them or unable to remember how they were injured.

If you suspect your loved one is the victim of assisted living abuse, you probably have more questions than answers. That’s just one reason why you may want to seek legal help from an experienced lawyer with proven case results and positive client testimonials.

At Shuttlesworth Law Firm, P.C., we’re committed to fighting for the rights of families and their loved ones. Attorney Perry Shuttlesworth is an experienced assisted living abuse lawyer who knows how to build a successful legal case and hold negligent facilities accountable for their actions.

What are examples of assisted living abuse?

Some of the most common examples of abuse or neglect at assisted living facilities include:

  • Verbal abuse by staff
  • Physical abuse by staff
  • Emotional or psychological abuse by staff
  • Sexual abuse by staff
  • Neglect
  • Financial exploitation
  • Unnecessary medical procedures

What are the signs of assisted living abuse?

The warning signs of assisted living abuse and neglect include:

  • Unexplained injuries, such as bruises, broken bones, sprains, dislocations, or physical signs of restraint, such as marks on the victim’s wrists.
  • Sudden mood changes.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Damaged eyeglasses.
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Restricted visits.
  • Unexplained bank account charges, missing cash, or missing checks.

What should I do if I suspect abuse at an assisted living facility?

If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected in an assisted living facility, you should:

  • Notify an administrator at the assisted living facility about your concerns
  • Have an independent doctor examine your loved one
  • Seek legal help from a qualified lawyer

How can an attorney help with my case?

When it comes to accusations of elder abuse or neglect, sometimes an assisted living facility or insurance company will deny responsibility. They may attempt to hide evidence, destroy records, or argue your loved one is responsible for their own injuries – all in an effort to reduce liability and protect themselves against a possible lawsuit.

An assisted living attorney can help you by reviewing the details of your case, getting your loved one medical care from an independent doctor, reporting the assisted living neglect to the appropriate authorities, gathering evidence to build your case, and representing you in court if a settlement agreement can’t be reached.

Make the right call. Contact Shuttlesworth Law Firm, P.C. today.

Our law firm knows how to hold assisted living facilities accountable for their negligence. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation. We serve clients in Birmingham and all throughout Alabama. We also represent our clients on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay us any fees unless we win.

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